In our center you can find clinical psychology with reference to the well-being and psychological support of the person:
- Psychosomatic/functional disorders with the aim of increasing long-term clinical outcomes
- Pain therapy
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Sleep disorders
- Crisis situations and change
- Mourning
- Traumas
- Separations or difficult situations
- Phobias
“Hypnosis does not change the person or their past experience of life. It helps her learn more about herself and express herself more adequately. Therapeutic trance helps people to overcome learned limits, so that they can fully explore and use their own resources".MHEricksonHYPNOSIS is a natural state of modified consciousness, similar to those that occur when we perform automatic or habitual gestures, therefore one completely spontaneous and natural state. In this particular state of consciousness, by lowering the activity of the dominant hemisphere - therefore the rational and conscious activity - entering what is defined as "hypnotic trance" and stimulating the analogue brain area, the The individual can draw from his unconscious mind, in this particular state of modified consciousness, the most creative and emotional part and not mediated by reason, all the personal resources and potential that are contained in it, leading to the resolution of the problem. With hypnosis Furthermore, one can learn to contain acute pain or learn to accept chronic pain, this is because it acts on anxiety factors which, together with the socio-cultural condition, add to the nervous perception of pain.
EMDR therapy has as its theoretical basis the AIP (Adaptive Information Processing) model, the adaptive processing of information: traumatic memories are stored in memory, together with disturbing perceptions, emotions, cognitions and cognitive sensations, creating discomfort and symptoms in the person also many years later. Unprocessed traumatic memories can become dysfunctional, giving rise to many disorders. The basis of the therapy is the use of eye movements or bilateral stimulation. Memories lose their traumatic impact, they change, losing their emotional charge and consequently the physical sensations and negative sensations connected to them are reduced; through cognitive restructuring the patient changes perspective in dealing with everyday life, changes self-evaluation, incorporates appropriate emotions and eliminates physical reactions. Numerous neurophysiological studies have documented the rapid post-treatment effects of EMDR which is recognized as an evidence-based method for the treatment of post-traumatic disorders, by the American Psychological Association (1998-2002), by the American Psychiatric Association (2004), by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (2010) and by our Department of Health since 2003. The Organization In August 2013, the World Health Organization recognized EMDR as an effective treatment for the treatment of trauma and related disorders. The research highlighted the neurobiological changes that occur during each EMDR session, illustrating its neurobiological effectiveness. proven, confirming the association between clinical results and some changes in brain structures and functioning.